Monday, June 23, 2008

No Rules Photography

As I was walking downtown in Oslo, I was medidating... yeah, actually it's happen to me from time to time. Call it a time collapse, but it was great. It has been about one year and half that I falled in love with the art of photography after my trip to Uganda. Since then I have spent many hours asking for advices, visiting forums, shopping until these days. I'm really tempted to pass to the dslr world. It's happen when you know professionnel photographer. But I discover something and I will probably discover plenty of others. Photography is not a science. It isn't the material that makes the photographer. And I notice that I'm really creative when I'm not planning. Because the beauty, bizarre, uglyness and everything is around.
So while I'm learning and maybe not:I decide to forget the rules. No composition, no exposition, no filter, no nothing, no time. However I know that's you find rules in anarchy so there are probably some in my no rules experience. I will try to follow this path: have the eyes open, beeing an enthusiast, beeing patient and spying.

It was time for this medidation after that I sold some pieces of my work. Anyway I will come back time to time here to share my no rules trip.

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